34 research outputs found

    The Semantic and Syntactic Model of Metadata

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    As more information becomes “born digital”, metadata creation is increasingly becoming part of the information creation process. Current metadata schemes inherit much of the library cataloging tradition, which has shown limitations on representing “born digital” type of resources. Through analysis of issues of metadata schemes and review of metadata research and projects, the authors propose an ontology-based approach to building a modular metadata model in which semantics and syntax may be integrated to suit the needs for representing “born digital” resources. The authors use an learning object ontology as an example to demonstrate how the semantics and syntax may be built into a modular model for metadata

    15 años de alfabetización en información: investigación internacional recogida en LISA, ERIC y SSCI entre 1990 y 2005

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    Se presenta el alcance de la investigación internacional en Alfabetización en Información (ALFIN)entre los años 1990 y 2005 a partir del análisis de las publicaciones recogidas en tres de las principales bases de datos internacionales que cubren el tema: LISA, ERIC y SSCI. Se ha analizado la actividad investigadora del periodo, la tipología documental, idioma, autores más productivos y revistas más utilizadas. Por otro lado, y a través de una metodología de análisis de contenido, se han categorizado los trabajos de los diez autores más productivos, encontrando en ellos la progresión temática lógica de un área en desarrollo. Otros resultados indican el predominio de trabajos anglosajones así como el incremento exponencial de la producción a lo largo del periodo estudiadoPublicad

    Incorporating Data Literacy into Information Literacy Programs: Core Competencies and Contents

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    The growing importance of data in society in general and scientific domains in particular, mirrored in the Open Data initiative and in the advent of eScience, requires public, school and academic libraries to contribute to both data and information literacy, as part of their mission to further knowledge and innovation in their respective fields of action. No specific library standards have been proposed to date, however, and most research studies conducted adopt a partial view of data literacy, stressing only the components needed in any given context. The present paper aims to contribute to the advancement of data literacy with the proposal of a set of core competencies and contents that can serve as a framework of reference for its inclusion in libraries' information literacy programs. The various definitions of data literacy are discussed, the coverage of the competencies listed in information literacy standards is described, and the competencies considered in the experiments conducted to date in education and libraries are identified. The conclusion drawn is that the model proposed can favour the development of data literacy support resources and services. Topics for further research are also specified

    Dialoging about data with the iSchools: exploring curricula trends

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    Pre-Referee Version. Candidate Paper for the Journal of Information ScienceOur rapidly growing data driven culture is motivating curriculum change in nearly every discipline, including information science. This paper explores this change specifically within the iSchool community, where information science is a major unifying discipline. A cross-institutional analysis of data related curricula was conducted across 65 iSchools. Results show that a majority of iSchools examined (37 out of 65, 56.9%) currently offer some data related education, particularly at the master's level, and that approximately 15% of the formalized degree offerings have a data focus. Overall, iSchools show a greater emphasis in data science and big data analytics, with only a few select programs providing focused curricula in the area of digital curation. Recommendation are also made for iSchools to leverage the interdisciplinary of information science, publish curriculum, and track graduate success so that iSchools may excel in educating information professionals in the data area. Future data education in iSchools may benefit from more interdisciplinary data education, including data curation curricula.Enviad

    Criterios para la evaluación de la usabilidad de los recursos educativos virtuales: un análisis desde la alfabetización en información

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    Introducción. Para que el aprendizaje en entornos virtuales resulte realmente significativo, deben darse dos condiciones básicas: disponer de competencias relacionadas con la alfabetización en informaicón y, en especial, disponer de criterios adecuados para evaluar contenidos digitales. Método. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un modelo de evaluación de la usabilidad de recursos educativos, desarrollado desde el punto de vista cognitivo del procesamiento de la información así como de las competencias esperadas en los estudiantes. Análisis. El método utilizado para desarrollar el modelo ha sido la revisión de literatura y categorización de criterios de usabilidad relevantes. Resultados. Un modelo de evaluación para contenidos educativos digitales habrá de considerar los siguientes criterios: Captación (relacionada con el mecanismo cognitivo de la atención), Fidelidad (relacionado con la percepción y Capacidad Alfabetizadora (ligada a la memoria). Conclusions. Las Ciencias de la Documentación pueden desempeñar un papel relevante en distintas áreas: diseño de instrumentos adecuados para la gestión de contenidos educativos, implementación del constructivismo desde su perspectiva y para sus propios propósitos, adoptar competencias relacionadas con la alfabetización en información como objetivos didácticos en la formación profesional y el desarrollo de métodos adecuados para evluar competencias y contenidos.Publicad

    What is happening to library and information studies in Spanish universities?

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    This article aims to provide an overview of the current state of library and information science (LIS) education in Spanish universities. Data have been gathered from official statistical sources (Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and National Institute of Statistics) and universities’ annual reports, in order to complement data provided by members of the Spanish Network of Information and Documentation University Centers and Departments  (RUID). Among other issues, a general decrease in the demand of LIS undergraduate studies and a slight increase in postgraduate studies are observed. Finally, the article presents several reflections on the challenges that these studies are currently facing, and suggests strategies that may be followed to strengthen not only LIS education but also the profession as a whole in this country

    Development of a controlled vocabulary for learning objects' functional description in an educational repository

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    Proceeding of: Metadata for Knowledge and Learning (DC 2006). October 3-6, 2006. Colima, MexicoThis paper presents the development of a controlled vocabulary for functional description in an educational repository project which has adopted a DC application profile. The vocabulary, organized according to the identified functions of educational documents and learning objects' components, permits their retrieval and reuse to be improved.The DOTEINE Project has been financed by the Spanish Interministerial Commission of Science & Technology (CICYT, ref. BSO2003-04895). The IACORIE Project has been financed by the Regional Government of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid, ref. 06/HSE/0165/2004).Publicad

    Alfabetización en la información y bibliotecas escolares: una experiencia en la comunidad de Madrid

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    Una tarea muy ligada a la labor del documentalista, desde una perspectiva histórica, ha sido el apoyo a las políticas de alfabetización, del mismo modo ha sido una constante en España el empeño por establecer las Bibliotecas Escolares en el sistema educativo. La Sociedad de la Información y sus medios para acceder y representar el conocimiento ha desarrollado un nuevo modo de leer y escribir, una nueva alfabetización más próxima al quehacer documentalista, information literacy, alfabetización de la información. En esta comunicación realizamos una semblanza de la Hª de las Bibliotecas Escolares en nuestro país y exponemos las líneas de trabajo y los primeros resultados del Seminario de Investigación y aplicación experimental “Las Bibliotecas Escolares y la Alfabetización en la Información.A task closely linked to the work of the specialist in documentation sciences, from a historical perspective, has been the support to the policy of literacy, and, in the same way, the determination in Spain to set up School Libraries in the educational system. The Information Society and its means to accede and represent knowledge has developed a new pattern for reading and writing, a new education closer to the chore of the documentation sciences, “Information Literacy”, education of the information. In this communication we tackle a biographical out line of the history of School Libraries in our country and we lay out the working lines and the first results of the Seminary of Research and experimental application School Libraries and information literacy. The interest of this contribution lies in offering a group working vision between entities far from each other at times, School and University. From the research in progressive line, Information Literacy we show the very important role that the Documentation can play in a School Library completely adapted to the new technological environments and to the increasing needs of the community of users and generated by the Knowledge SocietyPublicad

    El departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la UC3M obtiene el primer premio en el iSchools Video Contest

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    Audiovisuales: Enlace a video premiado disponible en Youtube en: https://youtu.be/FH9qDuU-5eg . -- Entrevista a Ana Reyes Pacios disponible en Youtuve en: https://youtu.be/CBLeH9-PRyI . -- Entrevista a Javier Calzada disponible en Youtube en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka-NiKPWpeYContiene: Entrevista a Ana Reyes Pacios (p. 4) . -- Entrevista a Javier Calzada (p. 4) . -- Entrevista a Virgina Ortiz-Repiso (p. 5